New decisions, new schedules!

27 Aug

The decision has been made as far as daycare goes for DD starting Monday, starting Kindergarten.

Typically the school hours for jr & sr K are 8:15am to 10:45am where there was an option. Dd could take the bus home arriving at 11:00am giving her the rest of the day at home or she could stay at the daycare until 4pm.

Dh and I agreed both of us are fed up with the walking and making dd walk. Yeah, it sounds easy when it’s summer time and the weather is nice. Winter or bad weather it feel like a chore.

So, the decision was made after the daycare director approached dh with the choice. Also why use a daycare place someone else needs. School will be enough with her homework.

Dh helped out a friend move and was kind of repaid with an outdoor canopy for the patio. After a long day he came home and installed it. Looks good but something to get used to.

The past couple of days I have been high tailing my writing. I put in another couple of articles now summing up to 53 total. Some of which are rated #1 you can check them out and my helium profile by clicking the helium banner.

Exhausting as it is, getting used to the new schedule with dd taking the bus is going to take some time but we’ll all be okay.

Until next time – keep dreaming!

— Post From My iPhone

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Posted by on August 27, 2009 in Uncategorized


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